Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why do you want me to do that?

What's the last thing that God asked you to do?

I'm not talking about the things that God wants every day (communion with him, spreading the message of salvation, showing love, etc.)

I'm talking a specific thing that He asked you to do.

Was it a really challenging request or was it simple?
Did it seem like it was even that important? 
Was it scary?
What was going on in your life at that time?

I ask these questions to say one thing.   It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter if...

it was challenging, the Holy Spirit will help.

it was simple, some things need to be broken down into steps and God doesn't show us the whole picture most of the time.

it seemed like it was important, we don't know how important things really are.

it was scary, the biggest and best things in life are the scariest. (ask any new dad)

All this to say. It's not for us to determine if we should do something that God has told us to do.
Only to do it.

We will not know (in this life) what the full consequences of our obedience or disobedience was.
And the outcome of obeying may not even be what we think it should be. 
However, we serve a Great God and He knows why.

So next time you feel led by God to do something, resolve to do it!
Even if you don't see all of the outcome, you will be blessed by your obedience.

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